Sunday, April 19, 2009

Have I killed my Money Trees??

I received two small money trees as a gift in November. I normally keep them in my living room which receives indirect sunlight and water them with spring water every week.

They had been looking sad recently so I gave them some plant food which said it was safe for all houseplants. I gave them the food and some water and sat them in the sun. Now the leaves have turned white, and are almost translucent. They also seem very thin and fragile but have not turned brown or fallen off.

Can I bring my money trees back and what must I do to get them healthy again?

Have I killed my Money Trees??
I%26#039;m not familiar with money trees, but it sounds like sunburn. Any plant that has been without direct sunlight will burn if not introduced to the sun gradually. They may recover if you move them back to the shade.
Reply:I heard money tree do no like to much sunlight you should take it out of that room in too one at room temp with no direct sun light and give the plant plenty of water. Report It

Reply:Sounds like you got counterfeit money trees to me. LOL
Reply:what are money trees?? Pot plants?? i don%26#039;t know. it sounds like you may want to watr it more, or keep it outside were wind can strenghthen the roots/base.
Reply:that sounds like bad luck


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