Saturday, July 25, 2009

I need ideas for a gift for my future mother-in-law?

I want to get he something for mothers day. She doesn't really garden so I can't get her a plant or anything. I don't want to get her anything too expensive but I would like to get her something nice. Any ideas?

I need ideas for a gift for my future mother-in-law?
The answer actually depends on her interests, but one thing to add is a very sentimental card telling her that your very happy to be joining the family. Thank her for raising such an awesome child who you will spend many happy years with. By the way, I would not make the card from you and your fiance, but from you personally. Flowers, candy, and jewelry are nice, but when you give a gift that is personally from the heart and relates to their personal interests, it screams thought, effort, and class. Good Luck!
Reply:Good thing not to start out big, she is not your mother-law yet.

Get her a gift certificate to a nice Restaurant, somewhere she enjoys or somewhere she has never been and you think she will enjoy.
Reply:A pair of earrings a pendant, her favorite chocolate, fudge, nuts something like that.Maker her a basket filled w/scented candles


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